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McCrow at Opera Gallery London

By July 4, 2014No Comments

McCrow is currently exhibiting ‘Bondage to the War Machine’ and ‘Screaming Zebras’ at the Opera Gallery London.
Bondage to the War Machine
Bondage to the War MachineComprising of 6,566 used military rounds; Bondage to the War Machine recognises the military–industrial complex.
In 1961 President Dwight Eisenhower famously warned the world about the “military–industrial complex” in his farewell address.
That complex now spends an incomprehensible 1.8 trillion dollars a year on weapons; this is 2.5% of the world’s GDP or more simply, $249 for every person on earth.
The prosperity of the world is now entangled in the production and deployment of weapons and as such it is now the military industrial complex that dictates much of its own policy; sadly, we are now all inextricably bound to the war machine.
In recognition to the $249 every person on earth spends on weaponry; 249 assault rifles were destroyed; the last evidence of their existence are the serial numbers fixed to the rear.
Bondage to the War Machine asks the question; what is this investment in our future and where will it ultimately end?
Size 90cm x 120cm
Screaming Zebras
Screaming ZebrasScreaming Zebras asks us to understand that even though a civil war can be over, the effects of conflict remain very real for years after.  With huge numbers of small arms still filtering through the Congo, AK-47s are now in the hands of poachers meaning the Rangers employed to protect the wildlife must be heavily armed to ensure their own safety.  These inevitable micro-battles are escalating the illegal trade of skins, rhino horn and ivory into a new, silent but nonetheless bloody conflict.
Screaming Zebras can be bought as a pair or as a single piece.
Screaming ZebrasScreaming Zebra  Mirror image
Size, each 125cm x 185cm
Opera Gallery London
134 New Bond Street

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