the journey
Artist exploring hypocrisies in the weaponised world. Evoking experience of surprised recognition: to show viewers what he knows but does not know that he knows.
Featured Film
AK-47 Kalashnikov’s Dream
film starring Richard E Grant and Steve Berkoff capturing the life and conscience of Michael Antonov Kalashnikov, the inventor of the AK47.
Based on interviews with the iconic Soviet engineer in the last year of his life.
In concert with the film is an educational program called ‘Kalashnikov’s Dream; Wars & Why They Exist’. Launched in 2019 and now the most downloaded High School lesson in America.
invad£ $hop
A visual image provides a powerful form of ideological ammunition for teaching the masses. An image created by a masterful mind has the power to embody people's feelings and thoughts. It reverberates in the heart of every honest person, strengthens their faith in themselves and in the minds of others, and inspires them to fight the enemy heroically. The enemy of civilisation, is war.
Made from the weapons destroyed; championing the notion that artist and their patrons can shape the world.
before you punch out!